We understand the importance of providing our customers quality and convenient service. Therefore, we have provided a quick and easy way to submit a repair service request that enables you to track the progress of your repair online and with live updates.
Out Of Warranty Evaluation Fee - $45.00 |
There will be a $45 Evaluation Fee plus shipping on ALL DECLINED estimates and NO TROUBLE FOUND repairs.
All BEYOND ECONOMICAL REPAIRS will have a fee of $45.00 plus shipping.
Out-Of-Warranty Labor Rates |
Land Mobile Repairs |
Mobile & Portables (TK-, NX-) |
$87.00/hr + parts + S&H |
Repeators (TKR-, NXR-) |
$110.00/hr + parts + S&H |
FM Transivers (PKT-) |
$75.00/hr + parts + S&H |
Amatuer Radio Repairs |
Mobile & Portables (TH-, TM-) |
$87.00/hr + parts + S&H |
HF Radios (TS-) |
$110.00/hr + parts + S&H |
Submit a New Repair Request |